Banner des Instituts für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

Institutsseminar Kleinwalsertal 19. März - 23. März 2012

Gruppenbild 2012

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Einführung in die AK-Schwerpunkte
Speaker(s) Title
Jörg Kohl-Landgraf
Peter Trojanowski
AK Wachtveitl
Optical spectroscopy and nonlinear optics
Ivan Krstić
Philipp Spindler
AK Prisner
Methodical developments of EPR and DNP spectroscopy and their applications to biomolecular systems
All AK Heckel Students AK Heckel
Regulating molecular processes with light
Lars Schäfer AK Schäfer
MD simulation
Irene Burghardt AK Burghardt
Quantum dynamics

Speaker Title
Andreas Reuß Liquefaction of Helium
Cem Özcoban Lightresponsive Riboswitches
Elena Pepler Photoinduced decarboxylation of NPA
Petr Neugebaur High field NMR enhancement obtained on water and organic solvents
Jürgen Plötner Quantum chemical methods for excited states
Lars Dworak Interfacial electron transfer in quantum dots
Khashti Ballabh Joshi / Jennifer Rinne Molecular Beacons - a tool for advanced biological applications
Andriy Marko PELDOR database
Jan Wahl Multiconfigurational quantum dynamics of ultrafast energy transfer in extended molecular systems
Frank Scholz Color tuning in proteorhodopsin and its effects on photodynamics
Alex Rodriguez New photolabile group on nucleic acids
Manuela Fichte New wavelength-selective and two-photon sensitive protecting groups
Sabrina Steinwand Time resolved studies on structural building blocks - photoisomerization in foldamers
Dominique Rastädter Photochemical pathways of azobenzene
Burkhard Endeward PELDOR on Biomolecules
Sarah Römer A variational formulation of mixed quantum-classical dynamics
Jan-Eric Nimsch The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics