Institutsseminar Kleinwalsertal 24. - 27. März 2003
Olav Schiemann | "Catalytic RNA" |
Birgit Balzer | "Femtosecond cistrans photoisomerization" |
Josef Wachtveitl | "Conformational dynamics in model peptides" |
Martin Lenz | "Fs-time resolved vis-pump white-light-probe spectroscopy of a novel retinal protein" |
Gerhard Stock | "Conformational Dynamics of Biomolecules" |
Thomas Prisner | "EPR spectroscopy on macromolecules: possibilities and problems" |
Robert Huber | "Ultrafast ET at dye/seminconductor interfaces" |
Melanie Hertel | "Highfield EPR techniques" |
Marloes de Vries | "High-field EPR study of a spin-label" |
Jörg Fritscher | "Quantum chemical calculations of EPR parameters" |
Rainer Hegger | "Introduction to chaos" |
Phuong Nguyen | "Vibrational energy flows in peptides" |
Emiliano Feresin | "ET in DNA" |