Institutsseminar Kleinwalsertal 20. - 24. März 2006

(Missing: Rainer Hegger & Mirka Kristin Verhoefen)
Vortragsliste als PDF (80 kB)
Alexandros Altis |
"Nonlinear time series analysis of peptide dynamics"(PDF, 1.2 MB) |
Sergiu Amarie |
"Photosynthesis and Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ)"(ppt, 7.2 MB) |
Bela Bode |
"PELDOR - Extension to Metal-Nitroxide-Distances"(PDF, 3.1 MB) |
Vasyl Denysenkov |
"180 GHz PELDOR reveals the mutual orientation of tyrosyl radicals
in ribonucleotide reductase"(ppt, 6.2 MB) |
Ute Förster |
"Time-dependent emission observations"(ppt, 270 kB) |
Roman Gorbunov |
"Quantum-classical calculations of infrared spectra
of peptides"(Open Office, 3.8 MB) |
Rainer Hegger |
"Everything you always wanted to know about SVD -
but were afraid to ask"(PDF, 1.6 MB) |
Maksim I Kunitski |
"The influence of nuclear spin statistics on FEMTOSECOND
DEGENERATE FOUR WAVE MIXING spectroscopy of polyatomic systems"(ppt, 4.9 MB) |
Victor Matylitsky |
"Observation of the interfacial electron transfer in the alizarin-TiO2 colloids and methylviologen-ZnSe QDs systems
"(ppt, 3.2 MB) |
Yevgeniy Nosenko |
"How to detect dark H-bonded clusters in the gas
phase"(ppt, 493 kB) |
Marloes Penning de Vries |
"The Uses of High-Field/ High-Frequency EPR"(ppt,
760 kB) |
Jürgen Plötner |
"Solid State Fluorescence of Pigment Yellow 101"(Open Office
4.8 MB) |
Thomas Prisner |
"Similarities and Differences between NMR and EPR"(image of
the board, JPG, 800 kB) |
Gerhard Stock |
"Energy Landscapes"(ppt, 11.1 MB) |
Josef Wachtveitl |
"Everything you always wanted to know about Femtochemistry
and really dared to ask!"(PDF, 2.5 MB) |
Elisabeth Catherina Widjajakusuma |
"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of RNA-loops"(ppt, 5.2 MB) |