Institutsseminar Kleinwalsertal 10. - 14. März 2008
Vortragsliste als PDF (11 kB)
Moritz Otten | "Maximum Caliber Principle" |
Chayan Kanti Nandi | "Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy at single molecule level on binding of biomolecules" |
Ivan Krstic | "Time Resolved EPR on Diels-Alder Ribozyme" |
Maja Kobus | "Theory of 2D-IR Spectroscopy" |
Karin Hauser | "Structure, Function and Dynamics of Biomolecules - Insights from Electrostatic Calculations and IR-Spectroscopy" |
Marat Gafurov | "High Fields EPR of Biradicals" |
Maxim Gelin | "Directed motion and useful work from an isotropic non equilibrum distribution" |
Andreas Messmer | "Exchange Transient 2D-IR" |
Victor Matylitsky | "Electron Transfer in Donor/Acceptor System Coupled on Surface of Metal Oxide Nano-Structured Films:..." |
Gerhard Stock | "Special signatures of biomolecules" |
Andreas Dreuw | "IR spectra of TICT systems" |
Mark Prandolini | "The Overhauser Effect at High Magnetic Fields" |
Sang-Min Park | "MD simulations of vibrational energy transfer" |
Lucie Sokolova | "LILBID mass spectrometry of mitochondrial Complex I and its subunits" |
Lars Dworak | "Energy Transfer in QD/Dye coupled Systems" |
Andriy Marko | "Orientation Selection Analysis in PELDOR Experiments" |
Reinhard Schmidt | "Chemical and Photophysical Pecularities of O2" |