Institute seminar Kleinwalsertal
March 25. to March 29. 2019
List of Talks as PDF (57 kB)
Speaker | Title |
Dominik Brey | Introduction to Theoretical Multidimensional Spectroscopy |
Klara Mertinkus | Multiplexed super-resolution microscopy of the nano-scale distribution of the receptor tyrosine kinases MET and EGFR in cells |
Dai Danhua | Enhanced NMR signals at high magnetic field in the liquid state: steps to understand the mechanism in detail |
Chahinez Abdelloui | Wavlength-selective on/off cages for in cell applications |
Sina Roth | Boosting of electron transfer in quantum dots observed on the ultrafast time scale |
Burkhard Endeward | Pulsed EPR, Beyond Rectangular Pulses |
Marvin Asido | Ultrafast deactivation dynamics of a ChR2 variant |
Khanh Vu Huu | Assembly studies of the soluble part F1 of bacterial F-type ATP synthesis with LILBID-MS |
Chokri Boumrifak | Insights to the inward pumping mechanism of NsXeR |
Mathilda Glaesmann | Revealing new insights into the osmotic stress response in E. coli by single molecule localization microscopy |
Nicole Erlenbach | Orientation Selective PELDOR and MD Simulations - a Combination to study Nucleic Acid Duplexes |
Kudrathulla Karimi | MS analysis of protein complex assembly pathway for the biosynthesis of APE |
Tim Baldering | Extracting quantitative information from Photoactivated Localisation Microscopy (PALM) |
Philip Tinnefeld | Sensing Enhanced by Nanotech |
Rainer Hegger | Mixed quatum-classical simulations of oligothiophene |
Mark Schröder | Studying interactions of receptors at the molecular level |